Recognising collective efforts to promote transparency

Our ultimate goal is to create a centralised environment where construction professionals from around the world can come together to find inspiration, share knowledge and experience. We’re creating a space for like minded individuals to receive and deliver invaluable critiques to one another.


We celebrate our winners at an annual prize-giving ceremony where developers holding the titles of most transparent over the last year are awarded with bespoke trophies for their supreme efforts and dedication to the cause.

Immortalised in our Awards Collection

We publish a yearly anthology of all our winning submissions, ensuring that your impact is cemented as best-in-class for transparency for the years to come.

Our Awards

We honour our highly transparent construction sites with monthly and annual awards. This official title can range from Transparent Site of The Month, Transparent Site of the Year and Transparent Developer. Digital versions of our awards can be downloaded directly from our platform and we highly encourage the sharing of these achievements with the wider community.